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Monday, January 31, 2011

Who is Ezmi?


Thanks to Nor Ilhamuddin posts we now know Ezmi ‘Agdestin’ Mahmood is …

the big guy with long gold coloured hair and wearing that smiley T shirt. He used to play football representing Kelantan and nearly make it to represent Malaysia. He won the best unrated in this tournament. Ezmi is now eyeing to take part in next month Kelantan’s selection.

Got Chess Got It All welcomes this chess player who is now making a successful comeback in chess!

(picture is the rights of Do not just use (steal!!) on blogs and say ‘courtesy’ of so-and-so blog)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Seremban Parade 2011


Monday, January 31, 2011

DATCC Maverick Rapid Chess Weekend (27 Feb 2011)

(A National Rated Event)


Following the success of its first DATCC Rapid Chess Weekender series for 2011 – Renegade Rapid last Sunday, DATCC will once again be organizing the second 2011 Weekender series, the DATCC Maverick Rapid Chess Weekend on 27 February (Sunday). This is an open event for all chess players of various playing strength with attractive prizes awarded to the eventual winners including special prizes for junior player, best female player, unrated player, veteran (NEW!) and players rated below 1600 and 1400 (and NEW added prizes for second best players in these two categories). PRIMARY and SECONDARY SCHOOL students playing in this event will receive a Certificate of Participation for taking part in this event provided registration/payment is made before 21st February 2011.

Time Control is 25 minutes per player per game (to finish)

Tournament Format used is 7 Round Swiss System Pairing

Schedule of Rounds

Schedule of Rounds


27th February 2011




Round 4


Round 1


Round 5


Round 2


Round 6


Round 3


Round 7

1:00pm – 2:00om

Lunch Break


Prize Giving


Prize Money

Champion      : RM 300       .Best Lady     : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing)

Runner Up     : RM 150       .Best U-12     : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing)

Third             : RM 100       .Best Veteran : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing) NEW! (Above 50)

Fourth           : RM 50         .Best Unrated : RM 40 (Provided 3 or more players playing)

Fifth             : RM 50         .National Rating below 1600         National Rating below 1400

Sixth             : RM 50         .Best Player   : RM 40                  .Best Player   : RM 40

                                      .2nd Best        : RM 30 NEW!         .2nd Best        : RM 30 NEW!

Tie break used

1. Bucholz with variable [37]
(1) For Best and Weakest game dropped are counted as "0", (2) For not played games (forfeit, bye, etc) is "compute with real points", (3) For adding own points is "No", (4) For dropped players is counted as "No points (for all rounds)"
2. SB with variable [52]
- variables are the same as above
3. Bucholz with variable [37]
- variables are the same except - For not played games (forfeit, bye, etc) is "compute as draw against the player himself"

Entry Fees

The entry fee for the event is set as RM 25 (For all players) and RM 15 (for U-12). In order to facilitate and encourage efficiency and punctuality, a RM5 penalty shall be imposed if registration is made on the event day itself.

Note: The Champion (Wong Jianwen), Best Lady (Nithyalakshmi)and Best U-12 (Ng Jen Sheng) from Renegade Weekend event is invited to return for free!


For online payment, please deposit payment into CS SOLUTIONS account (CIMB Account: 1410-0000234-10-2)


For inquiries/ entry forms, please contact Najib Wahab at +60163382542 or email, or visit our DATCC website at

Thank you and Warm Regards

Najib Abdul Wahab

DATCC Logo Email

Program Manager/Coordinator

Tel: +6016 338 2542


"Wish, Way, KnoWlegde - SDARA Alumni"

This email and its content including any attachments it may contained are confidential and is meant only for the intended recipient(s) of this email. If you have received this email in error, please delete it immediately and notify me in writing. In such a situation, reading, reproducing, printing or forwarding of this email is strictly prohibited and unlawful.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crucial Round Jianwen vs Mark Siew


Renegade Rapid Weekend

Organized by DATCC

Round 7 on 2011/01/30 at 17:00
Bo. SNo. Name Pts Res. Pts Name SNo.
1 5 Wong Jianwen 6 ½ - ½ 5 Nor Ilhamuddin Shaikh Ali 11
2 32 Ng Jen Sheng 5 0 - 1 5 Kamalarifin Wahiduddin 2
3 3 Lim Zhuo Ren 5 1 - 0 5 Fikri Saleh 27
4 18 Muhd Ariez Azman 5 0 - 1 5 Mark Siew Kit-Tze 6
5 7 Low Jun Jian 5 1 - 0 5 Chan Sheng Yip 17
6 8 Sikivou Taione 4 1 - 0 Anis Fariha Saleh-G 46
7 1 Sumant Subramaniam 4 1 - 0 4 Khairul Azam Mastuki 33
8 26 Mohd Syahir Abu Bakar 4 0 - 1 4 Roshan Ajeet Singh 12
9 13 Norazman Ismail 4 1 - 0 4 Nithyalakshmi Sivanesan-G 35
10 24 Joshua Foong Tim Sing 4 0 - 1 4 Razali Hamzah 14
11 42 Tan Yong Zhao 4 0 - 1 4 Andrew Liew 16
12 37 Muhd Fareed Mohd Hisham 4 0 - 1 4 Tariq Ziad Abdul Razak 19
13 20 Norizzudin Afendi Norazman 4 1 - 0 4 Mohd Ezmi Mahmood 93
14 70 Tiam Wen Yong 4 0 - 1 4 Low Jun Keat (selangor) 21
15 25 Mat Zaki Yeop 1 - 0 4 Muhd Nizamuddin Jamil 68
16 29 Muhd Taufik Azman 1 - 0 Jagathees Guna Balan 45
17 44 Mohd Khairul Nizam Johariy 1 - 0 Eugene Chong Yuen Kit 74
18 15 Subramanian Sivanesan 3 1 - 0 3 Dominic Long Sze Weng 50
19 22 Suniil Kalivanan 3 0 - 1 3 Kughan Ravindran 51
20 30 Haslindah Ruslan-G 3 1 - 0 3 Liew Ashton 54
21 61 Alakarthika Ulaganathan-G 3 0 - 1 3 Ee Sun-Xin-G 31
22 34 Emir Rusyaidi Ahmad Nazari 3 0 - 1 3 Muhd Zuhdi Shariff 76
23 36 Lucas Matthew Dutton 3 1 - 0 3 Chan Tuck Yuan 88
24 38 Mohd Azmi Mokhtar 3 0 - 1 3 Aliffauzi Mohd Huzir 86
25 57 Nur Faqihah Aminuddin-G 3 0 - 1 3 Muhd Hafiz Mohd Hisham 39
26 41 Wan Mohd Zulikhsan Wan Md Zaid 3 1 - 0 3 Nittikorn Prom-chiam 95
27 59 Muhd Faqih Aminuddin 3 ½ - ½ 3 Bausch Koh Sian Kuan 47
28 94 Nazreen Abdul Ghani 3 1 - 0 3 Raja Bazli Bot Raja Badli 48
29 89 Chee Wei Nen 3 0 - 1 Goh Xin Yen-G 23
30 28 Muhd Azirul Zulkafli 1 - 0 Saleh Abdul Latif 66
31 49 Hafiy Hazmi Saad ½ - ½ Nur Farihah Aminuddin-G 40
32 53 Alan Lai Swee Chin 2 1 - 0 2 Nur Faiqah Aminuddin-G 71
33 55 Eric Choong Ee Jin 2 0 - 1 2 Mohd Hisham Hj Buang 72
34 56 Mok Shu Zing-G 2 1 - 0 2 Nadia Syafiqah Mohd Hisham 83
35 58 Lim Jun Hong 2 1 - 0 2 Julian Chin Tze Wen 82
36 79 Pravin Kumar Selvanayagam 2 1 - 0 2 Kuhan Kovalan 60
37 99 Tan Kah Shing 2 0 - 1 2 Mok Khye Zen 62
38 85 Aimran Yahaya 2 1 - 0 2 Gurugowtham Ulaganathan 63
39 65 Kabir Singh 2 1 - 0 2 Kohilan Ananthan 91
40 69 Lim Way Shearn 2 1 - 0 2 Sonibare Mumin 98
41 73 Raja Bazil Bot Raja Badli 0 - 1 1 Ravie Kumar Selvanayagam 77
42 67 Joanne Chin Zhi May 1 0 - 1 1 Sriram Odaiyappan 78
43 75 Fahim Al-Faqeh Saleh 1 0 - 1 1 Nur Sabrina Mohd Hisham 81
44 92 Lim Way Ian 1 1 - 0 ½ Divashini Shasitharan 90
  97 Selventiraan Ananthan ½ 1 - -   Bye  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

DATCC RenegadFinal Results

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DATCC Updated Calendar 2011


Click here to see a bigger version

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Carlsen Smashes Nakamura


Magnus Carlsen rebounding from his silly blunder against Anish Giri earlier on, demolishes Nakamura in Round 8 of Tatachess (traditionally known as the elite Wijk Aan Zee super tournament.

Here is the game:-

[Event "73rd Tata Steel GMA"]
[Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"]
[Date "2011.01.23"]
[Round "8"]
[White "Carlsen, M."]
[Black "Nakamura, Hi"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B92"]
[WhiteElo "2814"]
[BlackElo "2751"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[EventDate "2011.01.14"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be2 e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. Be3 O-O 9. g4 Be6 10. g5 Nfd7 11. h4 Nb6 12. Qd2 N8d7 13. f4 exf4 14. Bxf4 Ne5 15. O-O-O Rc8 16. Kb1 Qc7 17. h5 Rfe8 18. Ka1 Bf8 19. Nd4 Qc5 20. g6 Nec4 21. Bxc4 Nxc4 22. Qd3 fxg6 23. hxg6 h6 24. Qg3 Qb6 25. Bc1 Qa5 26. Rdf1 Ne5 27. Nd5 Bxd5 28. exd5 Qxd5 29. Bxh6 gxh6 30. g7 Be7 31. Rxh6 Nf7 32. Qg6 Nxh6 33. Qxh6 Bf6 34. Qh8+ Kf7 35. g8=Q+ Rxg8 36. Qxf6+ Ke8 37. Re1+ 1-0

Nakamura graciously let Carlsen deliver mate to the audience delight.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

MCF Calendar 2011–International Events





21- 29 Apr-2011

Asian Cities Team Championship 2011

Jakarta, Indonesia

1-10 May-2011

Asian Continental Championships 2011

Tehran, Iran

1-11 Jun-2011

Asian Junior U20 Championships 2011

Colombo, Sri Lanka

11- 20 Jun-2011

ASEAN+ Age Group Championships 2011

Tarakan, Indonesia

2-11 Sep-2011

Sport Accord Mind Games 2011

Beijing, China


South East Asia (SEA) Games



Asian Schools Championship 2011

Al Ain, UAE


Asian Youth Championships 2011

Subic, Philippines


Florencio Campomanes Memorial 2011



Commonwealth Open Championships 2011

Cape Town, S. Africa


World Junior U20 Championships 2011

New Delhi, India


World Schools Individual Championships 2011

Krakow, Poland


World Youth Championships 2011

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2011

Ankara, Turkey

Thursday, January 20, 2011

MCF Calendar 2011–Local events






01 Jan 2011

Singapore vs Malaysia Match 2011



12-16 Mar 2011

National Chess Convention 2011

Kuala Lumpur


12-15 Mar 2011

National Age-Group Championship 2011

Kuala Lumpur


16-20 Mar 2011

National Closed Championship 2011

Kuala Lumpur


16-20 Mar 2011

National Women Championship 2011

Kuala Lumpur


May 2011

The Malaysian Men & Women Masters 2011

Kuala Lumpur


29 May -07 Jun

MSSM Chess



June 2011

Malaysia Inter-State Chess Championship 2011

Kuala Lumpur


Aug 2011

Merdeka Team Chess Championship 2011

Kuala Lumpur


Aug 2011

The Malaysian Open 2011

Kuala Lumpur


Sept 2011

National Rapid Age-Group 2011

Kuala Lumpur


Sept 2011

2nd National Rapid Championship 2011



Nov 2011

National Chess Camps 2011

Kuala Lumpur


14-18 Dec 2011

4rd National Junior Chess Championship 2011

Kuala Lumpur



Selangor Open 2011



December 2011

Penang Open 2011




KL Open 2011

Kuala Lumpur



National Scholastics Age-Group Championships




Pra- Sukma Catur 2011



Monday, January 17, 2011

Top 20 most improved chess players Jan 2011

According to IA Lim Tse Pin’s latest Malaysian Chess Rating:-

No Name Total Changes Adjusted Rating JAN '11 New Rating 
1 Lau, Xian Hui Rudolph 257.6 1481.6 1482
2 Yee Jian Yang 248.6 1586.6 1587
3 Shawn Edgar Miranda  211.3 1444.3 1444
4 Jayitaa Ann Sethupathy 193.0 1134.0 1134
5 Ng Jen Sheng 190.6 1485.6 1486
6 Tan Ri Hong 170.0 1552.0 1552
7 Teh Ming Min 169.6 1304.6 1305
8 Ng, Yi-Ning Natania 163.5 1234.5 1234
9 Mohd Khairul Nizam Johariy 159.7 1413.7 1414
10 Chee, Wei Ming Marcus  154.1 1383.1 1383
11 Zarif Hazwan Zahari 150.0 1217.0 1217
12 Muhd Qhaider Zulkafli 140.4 1468.4 1468
13 Hew Wei Chen 140.0 1289.0 1289
14 Lim Chun Yan 133.3 1382.3 1382
15 Teo Boon Kee 130.4 1228.4 1228
16 Nabil Azmi 126.4 1499.4 1499
17 Nayyef Ashyraf 124.5 1373.5 1374
18 Nur Farihah Aminuddin 124.0 1460.0 1460
19 Goh Xin Yen 123.1 1559.1 1559
20 Dilwen Ding Tze How  118.7 1485.7 1486

Monday, January 17, 2011

Malaysian Chess Rating 2011 Jan


Thanks to the hard work of IA Lim Tse Pin, the January 2011 National Rating is out.

Thanks to the Mr Lim’s attention to the consistency of the player’s name, it is possible to see the rating graph using the past 4 rating data (back up to Jan 2010).


Check it out at

Monday, January 17, 2011



(Anjuran Kelab Catur SMK Tok Muda & PICA)

Objektif :

i) memberi peluang kepada murid-murid yang berbakat untuk mendalami permainan Catur serta mengasah lagi bakat yang sedia ada.

ii) sebagai persediaan untuk pertandingan MSSPk dan wakil Daerah.

iii) ke arah mencapai matlamat FALSAFAH PENDIDIKAN NEGARA dan WAWASAN 2020 iaitu rakyat yang sihat dari segi rohani, intelek dan jasmani.


Tempat : Dewan Terbuka SMK Tok Muda Abdul Aziz, Sg.Siput (U).

Tarikh : 30 Jan 2011 (Ahad)

Lapor Diri – 8.30 pagi.

Sasaran : : Murid-murid dari seluruh negeri Perak.

Yuran :

  • RM 6.00 seorang (Sek.Rendah / Menengah)
  • RM 10.00 seorang (Terbuka)

Kawalan Masa 20 minit seorang (40 min satu pusingan)

Pemutus Seri : Solkoff, S.B, Kumalatif.


Urusetia :
i) En.Abu Bakar M.Abdullah (014 2510852)

ii) En.Shamsudin Salleh (012 4565077)

Kategori / Hadiah :


B 12 (L)

B 12 (P)

B 15 (L)

B 15 (P)

B 18 (L)

B 18 (P)



Terbuka (P)










Naib Johan


















*Semua peserta sekolah akan menerima sijil penyertaan.

Sila faks senarai peserta kepada 05 5951371 sebelum 28 Jan 2011 (Jumaat) untuk perhatian

En Samsudin Salleh (PTPS Catur Kuala Kangsar)

Jadual Pertandingan

8.30 pg : Taklimat Arbiter & Semakan Senarai Nama Peserta

(peserta yg mendaftar lewat akan masuk Pusingan 2)

9.00 – 9.40 pg : Pusingan 1

9.45 – 10.25 pg : Pusingan 2

10.30 – 11.10 pg : Pusingan 3

11.15 – 11.55 pg : Pusingan 4

12.00 – 12.40 tgh : Pusingan 5

1.00 – 1.45 ptg : Rehat / Solat (Makanan boleh ditempah dari kantin sekolah)

2.00 – 2.40 ptg : Pusingan 6

2.45 – 3.25 ptg : Pusingan 7

3.30 ptg : Majlis Penyampaian Sijil & Cenderhati.

4.00 ptg : Bersurai

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